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Partner Spotlight: Philemon in South Sudan

Story and Photos by Jenny Davies.

Philemon is the Field Co-ordinator for Community Development Aid in Chukudum, South Sudan. He heads up a team of 25 staff. He flew with MAF on the 15th November from Juba to Chukudum where he shared about the work he’s doing.

"We implement a food security and livelihood project (FSL) funded by World Food Program. We distribute food to the most vulnerable people in Budi County ,who have no-one to support them. We are targeting 15,000 households and more than 4000 pupils across Budi County through our distributions." The targeted households have a maximum of 4-6 members.

"We also support lactating mothers and children under five with a BSFP (Blanket Supplementary Feeding Program) to reduce malnutrition. Chukudum has good soil for growing food and if community members are empowered, they can do well in food production and management."

Philemon says he is happy to fly with MAF.

"MAF flights are safe and secure. MAF helps humanitarian workers reach the remote places where other flights do not reach. It is only MAF flying to Chukudum. With the kind of insecurity and road ambushes by bandits and criminals, it would be very difficult for aid workers reach the remote place of Chukudum without MAF."



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